QingKe-2008 the Most Investment Value Company TOP 50 finalists
User:Admin      Addtime:2012/9/16      Number:4730

An ambulance, is an emergency operation and implementation can do all kinds of rescue measures's ICU ward. Recently, the flow of ICU ambulance, in guangzhou production after downtime pulled into the changzhou wujin hospital, to become the country's first car civil flow ICU an ambulance.

The car's designer is professor YueMaoXing,  particularly concerned about wujin hometown of medical and rescue career, in late 2005, he was invited to be wujin hospital emergency department hires professor, guide hospitals of emergency work.
In emergency work, he found many seriously op-patient when taken to the hospital, because the road delay time longer, lose the most valuable time, if can like aerospace ambulance, equipped with be field and sent to hospital on do all kinds of emergency operation, conducting effective rescue flow ICU an ambulance. Therefore, for increase the space of flows ICU rescue ambulance, and make the suitable design of the flow in the ICU, civil ambulance will drawings to guangzhou some auto factory production.

According to professor yue introduces, this ambulance on besides have generally ambulance equipment outside, especially added surgery bed anesthesia, breathing machines, the United States imported automatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) machine, surgical floodlight facilities such as, he said, automatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) machine even space flow ICU ambulance all have no, it was the country's first cars equipped with such good care facilities of the ambulance. With the flow, have encountered ICU ambulance casualties of the incident and critical illness person, can like in the hospital as the clock at the scene and hospital on the way, to the patient implementation "help sex" surgery, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) rescue etc, and hospitals realize seamless connection, can greatly reduce weight european-standard patient's mortality.

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