Product Name:
Product Class:HCT Liquid-based Thin-layer Cells Tabletting Machine
Product Function and Technical Parameter:
1)JCT-8Liquid-based Thin-layer Cells Tabletting Machine is a kind of fully-automatic machine controlled by the microcomputer, which absorbs liquid-based cytology filterable membrane technology, in addition, with mechanical overturn and hydraulic and pneumatic coordination principles, it could scatter collected cell specimens as well as gather filterable membrane, accordingly, it could do well in cell transfer and even spread in single layer.
2) With temperature, pressure, and position sensors, effective control could be achieved, and stability and accuracy of the operation could be hit.
3) Thin-layer tabletting for all departments except gynae (such as, puncture fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, chest fluid, extravasate, and lavage fluid).
4) The average tabletting time is 2 minutes approximately, and one specimen could be served for several liquid-based tablettings.                        
5) The hi-tech molecule filterable membrane technology could guarantee intact cells.       
6) With fluid loop, waste liquid could be recovered automatically.
7) Chinese menu and humanized operating interface. 
8) Scattered cell: the rotary specimen bottle accelerates liquid flow, so as to separate foreign matters from scattered mucus, and improve tabletting quality as well.
910) Cell collection: the positive and negative pressure of the pneumatic controller is used to control quantities of adsorptive cells and form even thin-layer.
10 Cell transfer: by means of mechanical overturn as well hydraulic and pneumatic coordination principles, transfer collected cells on the filtering membrane onto the designated glass slide.
11) Power supply and voltage: AC220V±22V
12) Power: ≤180KVA                          
13) Overall dimensions: 400×320×550

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